Interest Forums on Culture

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Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Interest Forum
Mission Statement
The Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Interest Forum brings together early childhood practitioners who are interested in learning and sharing their perspectives on educating and providing optimal and culturally responsive environments for young children of Asian descent around the globe. The members of the Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Interest Forum will share and examine the implications of shifting demographics and the latest research to inform promising practices when serving children and families of Asian descent.
- Sandy Baba - [email protected]
- Debbie LeeKeenan - [email protected]
- Iris Pointe - [email protected]
Black Caucus Interest Forum
Mission Statement
The mission of the Black Caucus Interest Forum is to promote membership & participation in NAEYC by African-Americans working to achieve the healthy development and constructive education for young children, to provide a forum for discussing issues of particular interest to African-American early childhood educators, and to advocate concerns identified by African-American members of NAEYC.
- Jerlean Daniel - [email protected]
- Tonya Satchell- [email protected]
Latino Interest Forum
Mission Statement
The mission of the Latino Interest Forum is to develop awareness, understanding, and specific strategies to meet the developmental and learning successes of Latino children in the U.S. by promoting the professional development of and leadership opportunities for Latino ECE staff and recognizing and celebrating the linguistic and cultural diversities of Latino families and communities.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Forum
Mission Statement
The mission of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interest Forum is to assure the provision of high quality early childhood education for all young children by facilitating improvements in the professional practice of early childhood education by ending the discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) educators, educating NAEYC members and others about the needs, rights, and well-being of the children of LGBT parents, and educating members and others about the need to develop self-esteem in all children, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Men in Education Network (M.E.N.)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Men in Education Network Interest Forum is to recruit and retain men in early childhood education by communicating the importance of men working with young children and their contributions to the healthy development of children, emphasizing the need for concerted efforts to recruit more men into the field, and encouraging and supporting men already in the field to remain in the profession.
- Bryan Nelson - [email protected]
Tribal and Indigenous Early Childhood Network
Mission Statement
The mission of the Tribal and Indigenous Early Childhood Network Interest Forum is to attract, recruit, and retain Native American/Alaska and Hawaiian Natives to NAEYC, to promote dialogue on relevant issues pertaining to Tribal and Indigenous Early Childhood programs, and to provide an opportunity for professionals, para-professionals, parents, and tribal leaders to become more active in advocating and promoting quality early childhood services on behalf of Native American/Alaska and Hawaiian Native children and families.