Permissions, Reprint, and Translation Requests

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Thank you for your interest in NAEYC content! NAEYC content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used in any format without the express written permission of NAEYC (except in a few instances noted in the chart below). Please note that NAEYC does charge permission fees for some content use. As a nonprofit organization, we encourage and support the use of our content, but must also consider the costs associated with the creation of our many resources.
The chart below details the few instances in which use does not require permission.
Type of NAEYC Material |
DOES NOT Require Permission but a proper credit to NAEYC needs to be included* |
Requesters can use brief quotes up to 150 words from any one article or up to a total of 500 words from at least four different pages of any one book for no charge. |
TYC/YC articles/blog posts |
It is permissible to make up to 50 copies of an article (including electronic copies distributed to 50 recipients) at no charge. |
Position statements |
Affiliates and other nonprofits and educational organizations can print and distribute copies of NAEYC position statements free of charge. If you are printing more than 200 copies, you don’t need to complete the Permissions Request Form, but please do complete the log here so we can learn more about how the field is using the position statements. If you are requesting to use excerpts over 150 words from NAEYC’s position statements within a text or product that will be sold, you need to submit a permission request. If you are unable to pay an administrative fee or to wait the 6- to 8-week processing period, please know that you can refer to the position statement on NAEYC’s website free of charge and include language such as: “NAEYC’s Position Statement on (Title of Position Statement) provides significant guidance on (name topic). The full position statement plus additional guidance can be found at (website).” |
*For material republished from books, credit should include the following: author, title, edition, NAEYC, Washington, DC, copyright year.
For material republished from journal articles: author, title of article, title of journal, volume number, issue number, page range, Washington, DC, copyright year.
If you are seeking permission to reproduce NAEYC content outside the purposes of the above chart, first check to see if the title is available on the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) website.
If the title is not available via CCC or if CCC directs you to NAEYC for your request, please submit NAEYC's Permission Request form. Please note some permissions may require fees. Please allow 6-8 weeks for the permission to be processed.
Note: If NAEYC is not the copyright owner of the material for which permission is being requested, NAEYC cannot grant permission. You must contact the copyright owner.
Translation Inquiries
If you are a publisher, company, or organization interested in licensing translation rights for a NAEYC publication, please complete our Translation Inquiry Form.