Equity Resources: Living the Statement

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The resources below are drawn from our partners’ as well as from NAEYC’s own publications. While some provide recommendations and implications for policy makers and administrators, this collection is primarily focused on elevating resources that support educators in teaching for equity. As it is a curated, extensive list—but far from all-inclusive—we encourage you to help it grow by sharing resources that have helped you and your colleagues advance the work of equity in your own early learning programs. Submit your suggestions today!
- Books, Articles and Reports
- Articles from Teaching Young Children and Young Children
- Websites and Videos
Books, Articles, and Reports
To support teachers during the launch of the Advancing Equity statement, we made a large selection of Members Only articles from Teaching Young Children and Young Children available to everyone. Starting October 15, 2019, a number of these articles went back to Members Only view. Not a member? Visit NAEYC.org/membership to join and unlock all member exclusive content.
This thoughtfully curated collection provides concrete strategies and tips for implementing recommendations from NAEYC’s position statement “Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education” in your work with children ages 3 through 5.
Informed and influenced by the Advancing Equity position statement, this collection of articles contextualizes the ways in which early childhood educators can build on children’s and families’ funds of knowledge to help them build a strong foundation for learning in the elementary grades and beyond.
This book provides practical guidance to confronting and eliminating barriers of prejudice, misinformation, and bias. Most importantly, the book includes tips for helping staff and children respect each other, themselves and all people. Individual chapters focus on culture and language, racial identity, gender identity, economic class, family structures,different abilities, holidays, and more.
Addressing the African American Achievement Gap: Three Leading Educators Issue a Call to Action (NAEYC)
By Barbara T. Bowman, James P. Comer, and David J. Johns
This article examines culture in the face of discrimination, poverty, and toxic stress, and considers the preparation educators need to surmount these challenges.
This set of resources provides guidance to practitioners and families about the most effective ways to improve the learning outcomes and promote the development of young children, birth through age 5, who have or are at-risk for developmental delays or disabilities.
Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color (Learning Policy Institute)
This report examines the barriers teachers of color face to entering and staying in the profession; explores how the lack of diversity impacts students; and offers district and state policy recommendations.
By Laura B. Raynolds, Margie B. Gillis, Cristina Matos, Kate Delli Carpini
This article provides a peek inside the lab school at Stepping Stones Museum for Children, where experienced educators share the engaging, challenging activities they designed with and for preschoolers growing up in an under-resourced community.
This report provides demographic and historical context, along with state and federal policy strategies to address inequities in programs including Head Start, child care, and preK.
In a real-life example of educating for equity, learn how Boston’s curriculum takes seriously both the academic content and how children engage with it, ensuring that children will enter upper grades with the broad, introductory knowledge of science, history, and the arts that reading comprehension requires.
The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health (American Academy of Pediatrics)
This policy statement provides an evidence-based document focused on the role of racism in child and adolescent development and health outcomes.
This resource provides recommendations and guidance for effective practices and policies to support principals who are working towards ensuring equity for all students.
Principles of Ideal Learning Programs (Trust for Learning)
These principles are designed to build a shared vision for quality early education, allowing for multiple approaches, models, and traditions, and taking into account the varied contexts within which early educators and care providers work.
Racial Justice in Education (National Education Association)
This report offers principles, terms, and tools for assessment, strategic planning, action and more to achieve and sustain racial equity through proactive and preventative measures.
This book provides guidance in helping educators practice equity in an early learning program by ensuring that all children learn essential knowledge and skills through content-rich, joyful learning experiences.
This report provides a brief overview of positive actions states are taking towards ten equity commitments that strengthen education for all students.
Highlighted Articles from Teaching Young Children & Young Children
Teaching Young Children (TYC)
- Advancing Equity: Playful Ways to Extend Math Learning at Home
- Black Boys Matter: Cultivating Their Identity, Agency, and Voice (Part 1)
- Black Boys Matter: Strategies for a Culturally Responsive Classroom (Part 2)
- Connecting Culture and Play: Practical Strategies for Educators
- Conversations with Children! Asking Questions to Support Their Understanding of Family Diversity
- Knock, Knock...Who's There? The Benefits of Home Visits in the Early Years
- Look, Listen, Learn. “What If I Say the Wrong Thing?” Talking about Identity with Young Children
- Many Languages, One Classroom: Supporting Children in Superdiverse Settings (Part 1 and More Strategies: Part 2)
- Now Read This! Books that Support Diversity, Conversations, and Play
- Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children: A Checklist for Early Childhood Educators
Young Children (YC)
- Assessing Opportunities to Support Each Child: 12 Practices for Quality Inclusion
- Assessment in Kindergarten: Meeting Children Where They Are
- Becoming Upended: Teaching and Learning about Race and Racism with Young Children and Their Families
- Building a Cohesive Multimodal Environment for Diverse Learners
- Can We Talk? Creating Opportunities for Meaningful Academic Discussions with Multilingual Children
- Capitalizing on Culture: Engaging Young Learners in Diverse Classrooms
- Engaging and Enriching: The Key to Developmentally Appropriate Academic Rigor
- From Puddles to Pigeons: Learning about Nature in Cities
- Home Visiting Programs: Supporting Relationships and Healthy Development
- Learning from Birth: Ontario’s EarlyON Child and Family Centres
- Learning to Listen: Supporting Dual Language Learners’ Language Acquisition and Learning Identities
- Positive Early Math Experiences for African American Boys: Nurturing the Next Generation of STEM Majors
- Tate and the Pink Coat: Exploring Gender and Enacting Anti-Bias Principles
- The Power of Science: Using Inquiry Thinking to Enhance Learning in a Dual Language Preschool Classroom
- What’s Next? How Learning Progressions Help Teachers Support Children’s Development and Learning
Websites & Videos
Curricula, programs, training, and consultation to create equity and belonging for all within schools, communities, and organizations.
Frameworks and strategies for addressing the big picture of working with staff, families and the community to create and sustain anti-bias early childhood education programs.
Training and empowering educators to dismantle patterns of racism and injustice in our schools and communities.
Learn how repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues leads to tangible effects on the development of the brain and lifetime well-being.
Free, video-based courses for early childhood educators that show research-based literacy instruction in real classrooms to highlight essential practices for working with all children.
A set of strategies and tools for strengthening the commitment and capacity of professionals, organizations and systems that serve infants, children and families to embed diversity, inclusion and equity principles into their work.
Resources, workshops, and projects to build equitable and just schools, communities, and organizations.
Learn about the concept of Funds of Knowledge and learn how to gather and use them for children and families in the classroom.
Practical steps for adults who work with young children to build inclusive and intentional spaces where all children receive positive messages about their unique gender selves.
This site focuses on the science of learning, especially research on how skills like critical thinking develop. It also explores the implications of that research, showing the benefits of well-rounded curricula that systematically build knowledge in literature, history, science, and the arts beginning in early childhood.
This free resource offers clear guidance on how educators can support and maximize children’s early math development.
Building culture, conditions, and competencies for excellence and equity in districts, schools, classrooms, nonprofits, and communities.
Tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding of racial equity, and to help those working toward justice at every level.
Supporting parents and teachers who are trying to talk about race and diversity with young children with the goal of helping prepare young people to work toward racial justice.
Offering age-appropriate programming for children; resources for adults at the museum and online; professional development opportunities for educators; and research-based publications.
Resources include printables that promote tolerance and understanding, lessons about immigrant families, and activities that will help familiarize students with the history and traditions of different religions and ethnic groups.
Professional development, publications, and parent organization programs that encourage teachers and students to question, re-think, and build a more equitable, multicultural society.
Free resources to educators to supplement curriculum, inform practices, and create civil and inclusive school communities where children are respected, valued and welcome participants.
Moving the conversation forward on how to be consciously, intentionally, anti-racist in the classroom.
Designing and implementing creative programs that change the way people think about and respond to differences and conflict by raising awareness and building skills.
Resources for supporting multilingual children in early care and education settings, including early language development standards and support for language-focused family engagement.